Current Project List

Project Name



Contract Amount

Repair R&M Cyber Mission Force Corps of Engineers Leidos Engineering $4,471,832
Experimental Mine Building Curators of the University of Missouri Integrity Engineering Inc. $2,647,442
East Elementary School Columbia Public School District Peckham & Wright Architects $17,808,263
Bunge Creative Solutions Ctr Curators of the University of Missouri The Lawrence Group Architects $5,987,422
Health & Wellness Center Missouri State University Hastings & Chivetta Architects $10,181,000
SEMO Grauel Hall Renovation Southeast Missouri State University The Lawrence Group Architects $3,706,879
Belleville Schools Belleville Public Schools District #118 William B Ittner Architects $11,366,000
Parker Hall Missouri University of Science & Technology Structural Engineering Associates $947,000